How to Buy a Neopixel Lightsaber: Everything You Need to Know First

A neopixel lightsaber, sometimes called a pixel saber, is a type of custom saber equipped with flexible LED strips inside the lightsaber blade. Neopixel lightsabers feature bright blade illumination, RGB color changing customization, and extensive, customizable visual effects including a Kylo Ren style unstable flame blade and more. The neopixel lightsaber blade is removable from … Read more

Spectra V2 Blade Controller Adds Visual Effects to ‘Boring’ Stunt Saber

Spectra V2 lightsaber

Some lightsabers enthusiasts dislike stunt sabers is they are too ‘boring’. Aside from stunt sabers not using sound, most stunt sabers don’t feature any visual effects either. Installing a Spectra V2 can add some exciting visual effects to an otherwise ‘boring’ stunt saber. JQ Sabers, a custom saber company based in the United Kingdom, sells … Read more

What is the lightsaber scrolling effect? | Lightsaber Terminology

saber scroll effect

The lightsaber scrolling effect is the gradual activation or deactivation of individual LEDs within a lightsaber lightsaber blade. The purpose of the scrolling effect is to mimic the extension and retraction effect of the lightsaber blade in the Star Wars films. A real life lightsaber, however, has a plastic blade attached to the hilt. The … Read more

What is Flash on Clash (FOC)? | Lightsaber Terminology

lightsaber blade with Flash on Clash

Flash on Clash is a visual effect where the lightsaber blade color briefly changes to a different color upon impact. For example, if you hit the blade against another lightsaber blade, against your hand, against the table or some other object, then the blade color will briefly change to a secondary color before reverting to … Read more