7 Chambers: Empty Hilts and FX Boards for Stunt Sabers | Lightsaber Company Spotlight

7 Chambers Empty hilts

7 Chambers is a United Kingdom based custom saber company that specializes in limited runs of empty hilts, many of which are character inspired in design. The company has collaborated with Phoenix Props (Germany) and Korbanth Sabers (United States) on several hilt projects. In addition to making hilts, 7 Chambers has also developed several boards … Read more

Spectra V2 Blade Controller Adds Visual Effects to ‘Boring’ Stunt Saber

Spectra V2 lightsaber

Some lightsabers enthusiasts dislike stunt sabers is they are too ‘boring’. Aside from stunt sabers not using sound, most stunt sabers don’t feature any visual effects either. Installing a Spectra V2 can add some exciting visual effects to an otherwise ‘boring’ stunt saber. JQ Sabers, a custom saber company based in the United Kingdom, sells … Read more