Slothfurnace ESBA ESBB Clamp Card Full Review | for Graflex lightsaber

Slothfurnace ESB clamp card

The Slothfurnace ESBA/ESBB Clamp Card is intended to be installed on the Empire Strikes Back configuration of a Graflex-style (i.e. Skywalker style) lightsaber. The could also be paired with other custom lightsaber activation boxes as well. The ESBA/ESBB Clamp Card is double sided with different designs on each side. Side A features a more rounded … Read more

One Replicas Clamp Card Ani ROTS E3 Full Review for SS-Gf Graflex Etsy seller

One Replicas Clamp Card Ani ROTS E3

The One Replicas Clamp Card Ani ROTS E3 is an Anakin Skywalker style clamp card for the Episode III version of the Graflex lightsaber hilt. It’s about 2 inches long, 0.5 inches wide and 0.03 inches thick. Smaller than a normal clamp card, the sizing is intended for the One Replicas SS-Gf. The clamp card, which is … Read more

What is a clamp card? | Lightsaber Terminology

clamp cards on various lightsabers

A lightsaber clamp card is a printed circuit board (PCB) style piece that attaches to a lightsaber’s activation box. Clamp cards are most commonly associated with Star Wars: Original Trilogy lightsabers, especially the Graflex or Skywalker style lightsaber. A clamp card is also considered to be a greeblie, which is an add-on piece or garnish … Read more

What is an activation box? | Lightsaber Terminology

lightsaber from various companies

An activation box is a rectangular lightsaber component that’s typically located within the middle of the lightsaber hilt or possibly a bit toward the pommel of the lightsaber hilt. An activation box is most commonly associated with Original Trilogy lightsabers, including: Obi-Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber, Darth Vader’s lightsaber, and both of Luke Skywalker’s lightsabers. Some custom lightsaber companies … Read more

What is a greeblie? | Lightsaber Terminology

closeup on Saberforge Avenger red thumb screw greeblie

Greeblies are small, decorative pieces that add the finishing touches to a lightsaber hilt. Primarily ornamental, a greeblie may or may not serve a function. Some greeblies serve a purely decorative purpose while other greeblies serve a minor function. Although a greeblie may serve a minor function, often a simpler, cheaper or less ornate component … Read more

One Replicas Clamp Card for Luke ROTJ V2 Full review

One Replicas Luke V2 clamp card

The One Replicas Clamp Card for Luke ROTJ [Etsy Affiliate Link] is made by United Kingdom-based Etsy seller One Replicas. The clamp card is 2 inches long and 3/4 inches wide, featuring a gold foil pattern along with some faint numbering at the top. It’s a single-sided card, so the reverse is totally blank. The … Read more