What is a turbine blade plug? | Lightsaber Terminology

turbine blade plug and a jet engine turbine

A turbine blade plug is a lightsaber blade plug design that’s inspired by or includes elements of the rotary mechanical devices you find on jet engines, in power plants or in other industrial settings. Turbine style blade plugs are a common style sold by many different custom saber companies. Unlike a traditional ‘static’ sword comprised of … Read more

defconbird Mechanical Design Brass lightsaber blade plug full review

defconbird mechanical brass blade plug

This is a Custom Lightsaber Blade Plug Mechanical Design Brass Multi Ring Glow Core [AFFILIATE LINK] by eBay seller defconbird. As a disclaimer, defconbird did send me this blade plug for free in order to review–thank you very much, defconbird. Watch defconbird Mechanical Design Brass Multi Ring Glow Core lightsaber blade plug full review eBay on YouTube … Read more