Saberforge Apprentice vs Elite lightsabers: What’s the difference?

a selection of Saberforge lightsabers

Saberforge Apprentice and Elite are two of the most common categories of lightsabers on the Saberforge website. The titles ‘Apprentice’ and ‘Elite’ refer to categories rather than specific hilt models. For example, the lightsaber on the far left is an example of an Apprentice lightsaber, but the lightsaber itself is called Disciple. The lightsabers to … Read more

Saberforge Avenger Stunt Saber blue blade full review

Saberforge Avenger custom saber

This Saberforge Avenger is Warrior Tier, so it’s configured as a stunt saber (no sound). The saber features a blue blade. Saberforge Avenger is an Episode I/II Obi-Wan Kenobi style lightsaber hilt. Saberforge (Etsy) affiliate link The top part of the lightsaber hilt features some signature greeblies like the metallic red thumbscrew and brass … Read more