ALL of the Zabrak Jedi: Maul and Eeth Koth’s Species

Zabrak Jedi

Although Darth Maul is arguably the most famous Force user of the Zabrak species, quite a few prominent Zabrak Jedi exist as well. In fact, one of the founders of the Jedi Order is a Zabrak. Several Jedi Council Members and other powerful Jedi are members of the species as well! A Zabrak is a … Read more

Eeth Koth Lightsaber | Lightsaber Profile

The Eeth Koth lightsaber is a single-bladed green lightsaber wielded by Jedi Master Eeth Koth. Eeth Koth is a Rise of the Empire/Clone Wars era Iridonia Zabrak Jedi Master and Jedi Council member in Star Wars Canon.