All of the Mon Calamari Jedi: Admiral Ackbar’s Species

Mon Calamari Jedi

Mon Calamari Jedi, members of Admiral Ackbar’s species, are quite rare in Star Wars. The Mon Calamari are a bipedal, aquatic species native to the oceanic planet Mon Cala. Most comfortable underwater, members of the species have large, protruding eyes along with webbed hands and flipper-like feet. Most known Mon Calamari Jedi are active around … Read more

Rare Jedi Species: 14 Jedi Who Are The Only One of Their Kind

rare Jedi species

In Star Wars, Jedi come from a wide variety of planets, backgrounds and species from around the galaxy. Even during the most prosperous eras of the Jedi Order, only a rare percentage of galactic citizens serve as Jedi Knights. Rarer still, some individuals who train as Jedi are the only known Jedi of their entire … Read more